


    Template version:v24-12-11

    Helm charts:

    • k8s-at-home/mosquitto v4.8.2: appVersion v2.0.20
    • k8s-at-home/node-red v10.3.2: appVersion v4.0.5
    • oauth2-proxy/oauth2-proxy v7.8.1: appVersion v7.7.1

    This namespace is intended to deploy an IOT Edge service environment in Kubernetes with the following applications:

    • Mosquitto MQTT broker: Eclipse Mosquitto is an open source (EPL/EDL licensed) message broker that implements the MQTT protocol versions 5.0, 3.1.1 and 3.1.
    • Node-Red: Node-Red is a flow-based programming tool, originally developed by IBM's Emerging Technology Services team and now a part of the OpenJS Foundation.
    • oauth2-proxy: OpenID authentication proxy for Node-Red.

    Template override parameters

    File _values-tpl.yaml contains template configuration parameters and their default values:

    # _values-tpl.yaml
    # cskygen template default values file
    _tplname: k8s-iot-edge
    _tpldescription: Kubernetes IOT Edge
    _tplversion: 24-12-11
    # Values to override
    ## k8s cluster credentials kubeconfig file
    kubeconfig: config-k8s-mod
    ## k8s namespace name
    name: iot-edge
    ## Service domain name
    ## Cert-manager clusterissuer
    clusterissuer: ca-test-internal
    ## Proxy Repository for Docker
    ## LoadBanancer IP static address
    ## Must be previously configured in MetalLB
    ## External url
    ## Credentials
    user: "admin"
    password: "5kiJuI5OUcRKPBH3KLSEQbqjAtdWhvBRM1GGALrw4Gy9iLRNHZv6BlaX3pNA8kQY"
    ## Container timezone
    timezone: "UTC"
    ## External url
    ## Credentials
    user: "admin"
    password: "5kiJuI5OUcRKPBH3KLSEQbqjAtdWhvBRM1GGALrw4Gy9iLRNHZv6BlaX3pNA8kQY"
    ## External url
    ## Client secret from keycloak
    client_secret: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    ## cookie secret (random)
    cookie_secret: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    ## Local storage PV's node affinity (Configured in pv*.yaml)
    datadirectoryname: iot-edge-shard1
    edgename: iot-edge
    localpvnodes: # (k8s node names)
    all_pv: k8s-mod-n1
    # k8s nodes domain name
    # k8s nodes local administrator
    localadminusername: kos
    localrsyncnodes: # (k8s node names)
    all_pv: k8s-mod-n2
    # k8s nodes domain name
    # k8s nodes local administrator
    localadminusername: kos


    Note: Prerequisites section must be previously completed

    # Install
    ./ -m install
    # Check status
    ./ -l
    # Uninstall
    ./ -m uninstall


    • Configure backend authentication in keycloak: See service template k8s-hello-oauth2
    • Administrative access to kubernetes cluster.
    • SSH keys deployed in kubernetes nodes.
    • Helm v3.

    MetalLB configuration

    Review and deploy if necessary file resources.yaml in MetalLB configuration for k8s-mod and k8s-pro cluster in order to include load balanced IP addresses for mosquitto service.

    Administrative tools

    • Install mosquitto and node-red admin tools in mcc
    echo \
    && echo "******** START of snippet execution ********" \
    && echo \
    && curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash - \
    && sudo apt-get install -y nodejs \
    && sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm node-red-admin \
    && sudo apt install -y mosquitto \
    && echo \
    && echo "******** END of snippet execution ********" \
    && echo

    LVM Data Services

    A shared data service must be previously created in the two nodes assigned to support all services deployed:

    Data serviceKubernetes PV nodeKubernetes RSync node
    /srv/{{ .datadirectoryname }}{{ .localpvnodes.all_pv }}{{ .localrsyncnodes.all_pv }}

    PV node is the node that supports the data service in normal operation.

    RSync node is the node that receives data service copies synchronized by cron-jobs for HA.

    To create the shared LVM data service, execute from your mcc management machine the following commands:

    # Create LVM data services in PV node:
    echo \
    && echo "******** START of snippet execution ********" \
    && echo \
    && ssh {{ .localpvnodes.localadminusername }}@{{ .localpvnodes.all_pv }}.{{ .localpvnodes.domain }} \
    'sudo -m create -qd "/srv/{{ .datadirectoryname }}"' \
    && echo \
    && echo "******** END of snippet execution ********" \
    && echo
    # Create LVM data services in Rsync node:
    echo \
    && echo "******** START of snippet execution ********" \
    && echo \
    && ssh {{ .localrsyncnodes.localadminusername }}@{{ .localrsyncnodes.all_pv }}.{{ .localrsyncnodes.domain }} \
    'sudo -m create -qd "/srv/{{ .datadirectoryname }}"' \
    && echo \
    && echo "******** END of snippet execution ********" \
    && echo

    To delete the shared LVM data service, execute from your mcc management machine the following commands:

    # Delete LVM data services in PV node:
    echo \
    && echo "******** START of snippet execution ********" \
    && echo \
    && ssh {{ .localpvnodes.localadminusername }}@{{ .localpvnodes.all_pv }}.{{ .localpvnodes.domain }} \
    'sudo -m delete -qd "/srv/{{ .datadirectoryname }}"' \
    && echo \
    && echo "******** END of snippet execution ********" \
    && echo
    # Delete LVM data services in Rsync node:
    echo \
    && echo "******** START of snippet execution ********" \
    && echo \
    && ssh {{ .localrsyncnodes.localadminusername }}@{{ .localrsyncnodes.all_pv }}.{{ .localrsyncnodes.domain }} \
    'sudo -m delete -qd "/srv/{{ .datadirectoryname }}"' \
    && echo \
    && echo "******** END of snippet execution ********" \
    && echo

    Edge directories

    iot-edge services must create their data directories into the same LVM data service previously created.

    To create edge service directories, execute from your mcc management machine the following commands:

    # Create Edge directories in PV node:
    echo \
    && echo "******** START of snippet execution ********" \
    && echo \
    && ssh {{ .localpvnodes.localadminusername }}@{{ .localpvnodes.all_pv }}.{{ .localpvnodes.domain }} \
    'mkdir "/srv/{{ .datadirectoryname }}/data/{{ .edgename }}" \
    && mkdir "/srv/{{ .datadirectoryname }}/data/{{ .edgename }}/mosquitto" \
    && mkdir "/srv/{{ .datadirectoryname }}/data/{{ .edgename }}/mosquitto/configinc" \
    && mkdir "/srv/{{ .datadirectoryname }}/data/{{ .edgename }}/mosquitto/data" \
    && mkdir "/srv/{{ .datadirectoryname }}/data/{{ .edgename }}/node-red"' \
    && echo \
    && echo "******** END of snippet execution ********" \
    && echo
    # Create Edge directories in Rsync node:
    echo \
    && echo "******** START of snippet execution ********" \
    && echo \
    && ssh {{ .localrsyncnodes.localadminusername }}@{{ .localrsyncnodes.all_pv }}.{{ .localrsyncnodes.domain }} \
    'mkdir "/srv/{{ .datadirectoryname }}/data/{{ .edgename }}" \
    && mkdir "/srv/{{ .datadirectoryname }}/data/{{ .edgename }}/mosquitto" \
    && mkdir "/srv/{{ .datadirectoryname }}/data/{{ .edgename }}/mosquitto/configinc" \
    && mkdir "/srv/{{ .datadirectoryname }}/data/{{ .edgename }}/mosquitto/data" \
    && mkdir "/srv/{{ .datadirectoryname }}/data/{{ .edgename }}/node-red"' \
    && echo \
    && echo "******** END of snippet execution ********" \
    && echo

    Persistent Volumes

    Review values in all Persistent volume manifests with the name format ./pv-*.yaml.

    The following PersistentVolume & StorageClass manifests are applied:

    # PV manifests

    The node assigned in nodeAffinity section of the PV manifest, will be used when scheduling the pod that holds the service.

    Configuration files

    After creating LVM data services, you must copy configuration files before deploying.


    User authentication is defined on the following properties in your node-red settings file node-red-settings.js:

    • adminAuth: User authentication in the editor and admin API
    • httpNodeAuth: User authentication on the dashboard
    • httpStaticAuth: User authentication on static content

    You can generate a new password with:

    echo $(head -c 512 /dev/urandom | LC_ALL=C tr -cd 'a-zA-Z0-9' | head -c 64)

    To customize and inject the configuration file node-red-settings.js execute the following scripts in your configuration directory:

    Set ENV variables:

    Update env variables if needed, copy and execute the following command:

    echo \
    && export RB_NODERED_USER="{{ .nodered.user }}" \
    && export RB_NODERED_PASSWORD="{{ .nodered.password }}" \
    && echo

    Run Snippet:

    After setting ENV variables, copy and run the following snippet:

    echo \
    && echo "******** START of snippet execution ********" \
    && echo \
    && echo "******** Environment variables declared:" \
    && echo \
    && printenv | grep -e "RB_*" \
    && echo \
    && read -r -s -p $'Press Enter to continue or Ctrl+C to abort...' \
    && echo \
    && echo \
    && echo "******** Customizing file node-red-settings.js" \
    && echo \
    && export RB_NODERED_OBF_PASSWORD=$(echo ${RB_NODERED_PASSWORD} | node-red-admin hash-pw | cut -c 11-) \
    && cp -v ./tpl-node-red-settings.js ./node-red-settings.js \
    && find . -name "node-red-settings.js" | \
    xargs -n 1 sed -i "s#__node_red_obfuscated_password__#${RB_NODERED_OBF_PASSWORD}#g" \
    && echo \
    && ls -lah ./node-red-settings.js \
    && echo \
    && echo \
    && echo "******** Injecting file node-red-settings.js in node-red configuration" \
    && echo \
    && scp ./node-red-settings.js {{ .localpvnodes.localadminusername }}@{{ .localpvnodes.all_pv }}.{{ .localpvnodes.domain }}:/srv/{{ .datadirectoryname }}/data/{{ .edgename }}/node-red/settings.js \
    && scp ./node-red_env.js {{ .localpvnodes.localadminusername }}@{{ .localpvnodes.all_pv }}.{{ .localpvnodes.domain }}:/srv/{{ .datadirectoryname }}/data/{{ .edgename }}/node-red/node-red_env \
    && echo \
    && echo "******** END of snippet execution ********" \
    && echo

    Note: You must have installed locally node-red package to generate the obfuscated password. Keep the original password to authenticate in login screen.


    Mosquitto broker is configured to listen port 1883 for unencrypted MQTT and port 8883 for encrypted TLS over MQTT. You must provide a mosquitto certificate with the appropriate SAN's for your mosquitto server and customize the following files in your deployment:

    • mosquito_ca.crt: Public certificate of the CA that issues the mosquitto certificate.
    • mosquito_cert.crt: Public certificate of the mosquitto certificate.
    • mosquito_cert.key: Private key of the mosquitto certificate.

    To can create this certificate with your opnsense server see section Create and sign certificates in your opnsense cluster documentation file.

    User authentication is defined on mosquitto configuration files mosquitto_config.conf and mosquitto_passwd.txt with an obfuscated version of the password.

    To customize mosquitto_passwd.txt with obfuscated password and inject configuration and certificate files, execute the following scripts in your configuration directory:

    Set ENV variables:

    Update env variables if needed, copy and execute the following command:

    echo \
    && export RB_MOSQUITTO_USER="{{ .mosquitto.user }}" \
    && export RB_MOSQUITTO_PASSWORD="{{ .mosquitto.password }}" \
    && echo

    Run Snippet:

    After setting ENV variables, copy and run the following snippet:

    echo \
    && echo "******** START of snippet execution ********" \
    && echo \
    && echo "******** Environment variables declared:" \
    && echo \
    && printenv | grep -e "RB_*" \
    && echo \
    && read -r -s -p $'Press Enter to continue or Ctrl+C to abort...' \
    && echo \
    && echo \
    && echo "******** Customizing file mosquitto_passwd.txt" \
    && echo \
    && ls -lah ./mosquitto_* \
    && echo \
    && echo \
    && touch ./mosquitto_passwd.txt && rm ./mosquitto_passwd.txt && touch ./mosquitto_passwd.txt \
    && mosquitto_passwd -b mosquitto_passwd.txt ${RB_MOSQUITTO_USER} ${RB_MOSQUITTO_PASSWORD} \
    && echo \
    && echo "******** Injecting files in mosquitto configuration" \
    && echo \
    && ssh {{ .localpvnodes.localadminusername }}@{{ .localpvnodes.all_pv }}.{{ .localpvnodes.domain }} \
    'sudo touch ${HOME}/mosquitto_config.conf && sudo rm -v ${HOME}/mosquitto_* ' \
    && scp ./mosquitto_* {{ .localpvnodes.localadminusername }}@{{ .localpvnodes.all_pv }}.{{ .localpvnodes.domain }}:~ \
    && ssh {{ .localpvnodes.localadminusername }}@{{ .localpvnodes.all_pv }}.{{ .localpvnodes.domain }} \
    'sudo cp -av ${HOME}/mosquitto_* /srv/{{ .datadirectoryname }}/data/{{ .edgename }}/mosquitto/configinc/ \
    && sudo chown -R 1883:1883 "/srv/{{ .datadirectoryname }}/data/{{ .edgename }}/mosquitto/configinc"' \
    && echo \
    && echo "******** END of snippet execution ********" \
    && echo

    Note: You must have installed mosquitto package to generate the obfuscated password. Keep the original password to authenticate at login.

    To learn more about mosquito_passwd see

    How-to guides


    To Create namespace:

    # Create namespace, secrets, config-maps, PV's, apply manifests and install charts.
    ./ -m install


    Reapply module manifests by running:

    # Reapply manifests
    ./ -m update


    To delete module manifests and namespace run:

    # Delete manifests, and namespace
    ./ -m uninstall


    This option is intended to be used only to remove the namespace when uninstall is failed. Otherwise, you must run ./ -m uninstall.

    To remove namespace and all its contents run:

    # Remove namespace and all its contents
    ./ -m remove

    Display status

    To display namespace status run:

    # Display namespace, status:
    ./ -l

    Backup & data protection

    Backup & data protection must be configured on file cs-cron_scripts of the node that supports the data services.

    RSync HA copies

    Rsync cronjobs are used to achieve service HA for LVM data services that supports the persistent volumes. The script perform the following actions:

    • Take a snapshot of LVM data service in the node that supports the service (PV node)
    • Copy and syncrhonize the data to the mirrored data service in the kubernetes node designed for HA (RSync node)
    • Remove snapshot in LVM data service

    To perform RSync manual copies on demand, execute from your mcc management machine the following commands:

    Warning: You should not make two copies at the same time. You must check the scheduled jobs in cs-cron-scripts and disable them if necesary, in order to avoid conflicts.

    # RSync data services
    echo \
    && echo "******** START of snippet execution ********" \
    && echo \
    && ssh {{ .localpvnodes.localadminusername }}@{{ .localpvnodes.all_pv }}.{{ .localpvnodes.domain }} \
    'sudo -q -m rsync-to -d /srv/{{ .datadirectoryname }} \
    -t {{ .localrsyncnodes.all_pv }}.{{ .namespace.domain }}' \
    && echo \
    && echo "******** END of snippet execution ********" \
    && echo

    RSync cronjobs:

    The following cron jobs should be added to file cs-cron-scripts on the node that supports the service (PV node). Change time schedule as needed:

    #/srv/{{ .datadirectoryname }} - RSync LVM data services
    ## RSync path: /srv/{{ .datadirectoryname }}
    ## To Node: {{ .localrsyncnodes.all_pv }}
    # At minute 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 past every hour from 1 through 23.
    # 0,10,20,30,40,50 1-23 * * * root run-one >> /var/log/cs-rsync.log 2>&1

    Note: Script must exist in host {{ .localpvnodes.all_pv }}

    Restic backup

    Restic can be configured to perform data backups to local USB disks, remote disk via sftp or cloud S3 storage.

    To perform on-demand restic backups execute from your mcc management machine the following commands:

    Warning: You should not launch two backups at the same time. You must check the scheduled jobs in cs-cron-scripts and disable them if necesary, in order to avoid conflicts.

    # Restic backup node-red data services
    echo \
    && echo "******** START of snippet execution ********" \
    && echo \
    && ssh {{ .localpvnodes.localadminusername }}@{{ .localpvnodes.all_pv }}.{{ .localpvnodes.domain }} \
    'sudo -q -m restic-bck -d /srv/{{ .datadirectoryname }} -t {{ .datadirectoryname }}' \
    && echo \
    && echo "******** END of snippet execution ********" \
    && echo

    To view available backups:

    echo \
    && echo "******** START of snippet execution ********" \
    && echo \
    && ssh {{ .localpvnodes.localadminusername }}@{{ .localpvnodes.all_pv }}.{{ .localpvnodes.domain }} \
    'sudo -q -m restic-list -t {{ .datadirectoryname }} '\
    && echo \
    && echo "******** END of snippet execution ********" \
    && echo

    Restic cronjobs:

    The following cron jobs should be added to file cs-cron-scripts on the node that supports the service (PV node). Change time schedule as needed:

    # /srv/{{ .datadirectoryname }} - Restic backups
    ## Data service: /srv/{{ .datadirectoryname }}
    ## At minute 15 and 45 past every hour from 1 through 23.
    # 15,45 1-23 * * * root run-one >> /var/log/cs-restic.log 2>&1

    Note: Script must exist in host {{ .localpvnodes.all_pv }}




    Kubernetes IOT Edge.
    sudo [-l] [-m <execution_mode>] [-h] [-q]
    Execution modes:
    -l [list-status] - List current status.
    -m <execution_mode> - Valid modes are:
    [pull-charts] - Pull charts to './charts/' directory.
    [install] - Create namespace, secrets, config-maps, PV's,
    apply manifests and install charts.
    [update] - Reapply manifests and update or upgrade charts.
    [uninstall] - Uninstall charts, delete manifests, remove PV's and namespace.
    [remove] - Remove PV's, namespace and all its contents.
    Options and arguments:
    -h Help
    -q Quiet (Nonstop) execution.
    # Pull charts to './charts/' directory
    ./ -m pull-charts
    # Create namespace, secrets, config-maps, PV's, apply manifests and install charts.
    ./ -m install
    # Reapply manifests and update or upgrade charts.
    ./ -m update
    # Uninstall charts, delete manifests, remove PV's and namespace.
    ./ -m uninstall
    # Remove PV's, namespace and all its contents
    ./ -m remove
    # Display namespace, persistence and charts status:
    ./ -l


    Copyright © 2023 ™

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.