
    Server templates

    ubt2404srv-nakedBasic installation of Ubuntu Server 24.04 LTS
    ubt2404srv-caCertification Authority on Ubuntu Server 24.04 LTS
    ubt2404srv-dnsBind 9 DNS Services on Ubuntu Server 24.04 LTS
    ubt2404srv-lvmBasic installation of Ubuntu Server 24.04 LTS with LVM storage services
    ubt2404srv-k8sKubernetes master / node on Ubuntu Server 24.04 LTS
    ubt2404srv-kvmKVM host on Ubuntu Server 24.04 LTS
    ubt2404srv-mccManagement host (mcc: Mission Control Center) on Ubuntu Server 24.04 LTS
    opnsenseFirewall, networking infrastructure and security
    ubt2204srv-nakedBasic installation of Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS
    ubt2204srv-caCertification Authority on Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS
    ubt2204srv-dnsBind 9 DNS Services on Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS
    ubt2204srv-lvmBasic installation of Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS with LVM storage services
    ubt2204srv-k8sKubernetes master / node on Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS
    ubt2204srv-kvmKVM host on Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS
    ubt2204srv-mccManagement host (mcc: Mission Control Center) on Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS
    ubt2004srv-nakedBasic installation of Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS
    ubt2004srv-caCertification Authority on Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS
    ubt2004srv-dnsBind 9 DNS Services on Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS
    ubt2004srv-lvmBasic installation of Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS with LVM storage services
    ubt2004srv-k8sKubernetes node on Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS
    ubt2004srv-kvmKVM host on Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS
    ubt2004srv-mccManagement host (mcc: Mission Control Center) on Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS