
    1 - KVM Virtualization

    Building kvm-main & kvm-aux

    This procedure explains how to build cSkyLab KVM layer infrastructure



    Hardware requirements

    Processor2 core cpu4+ core cpu
    Memory16 GB128+ GB
    Network4x1Gb4x10Gb+ 4x1Gb
    Disk 1 (System)80 GB80-120 GB
    Disk 2 (LVM)250 GB1+ TB

    Note: Additional disks can be added and managed by LVM.

    Network assignements

    cSkyLab virtual networking model is defined in 01-netcfg.yaml NetPlan configuration file in kvm machines. It includes the following networks:

    NetworkVLAN IdPurposeExternal NIC
    WAN909OPNsense WAN Uplinkyes
    sys910System servicesyes
    sys_pfsync911OPNsense HA cluster
    mod_srv912Model services
    pro_srv913Production services
    usr914Users local accessoptional
    SETUP915OPNsense & KVM hosts setup accessyes

    All VLAN's are defined inside a unique uplink bond:

    BondVLAN IdPurposeExternal NIC
    bond_cskyAll (Trunk mode)Uplinkyes

    If external managed switches are used, it is recommended to bond 2 or 4 NIC's for the uplink, as defined in NetPlan configuration file 01-netcfg.yaml.

    If only two physical machines are used (kvm-main and kvm-aux), there is no need to deploy the networking model to external switches. You must then connect the bond between both machines in order to get the networking model up and running.

    The physical machine hosting kvm services must have at least 4 NIC's (5 if users local access is needed) in order to provide external connections to the following networks:

    • NIC 1: WAN
    • NIC 2: sys
    • NIC 3: SETUP
    • NIC 4: bond_csky
    • Optional NIC 5: usr

    The recommended configuration is 4 10Gb NIC + 4 1Gb NIC connected as in the SuperMicro example provided.

    Note: Before deploying kvm, you should perform in your machine a basic installation of Ubuntu 24.04 server and get the interfaces names with networkctl status --all. Plan and modify your NetPlan configuration file 01-netcfg.yaml according to your interfaces names.

    How-to build kvm-main & kvm-aux

    Setup OS from bare metal (SuperMicro example)

    These procedures are examples made for SuperMicro IPMI & BIOS setup. With other hardware, you should apply analog procedures according to the software provided by your manufacturer.

    NOTE: Connect only IPMI network port. To perform IPMI & Bios configuration connect only to IPMI service until OS installation is made to the physical machine.


    Supermicro network ports assignment:

    1010Gb SPFbond_cskyeno8
    1110Gb SPFbond_cskyeno7

    IPMI Initial settings

    • Login
    • Set hostname
      • In Configuration -> Network configure the following settings:
        • Hostname: ipmi-kvm-main or ipmi-kvm-aux
        • Introduce a fixed IP Address (optional).
        • Save

    Bios configuration

    • Login to IPMI
    • Start a remote console: In Remote Control -> iKVM/HTML5 start a remote console
    • Open virtual keyboard: If necessary, open a virtual keyboard pressing the button down left
    • Start the machine: Execute Power Control -> Set Power On to start the machine
    • Enter in BIOS Setup: Press <del> to run Setup when prompted.

    invoke Boot Menu
    invoke Boot Menu

    • Load Optimized Defaults: Execute Save & Exit -> Restore Optimized Defaults and confirm selection.
    • Set sSATA Configuration: Execute Advanced -> PCH sSATA Configuration -> sSATA Device Type -> Solid State Drive for detected SATA drives.
    • Finish setup and restart the machine:
      • Execute Save & Exit -> Save as User Defaults and confirm selection.
      • Execute Save & Exit -> Save Changes and Reset and confirm selection.

    Ubuntu 24.04 clean installation

    NOTE: Connect IPMI & SETUP network ports. To perform OS installation you must connect both network ports.


    Supermicro network ports assignment:

    1010Gb SPFbond_cskyeno8
    1110Gb SPFbond_cskyeno7

    Note: In some machine models and BIOS versions it may be required to unplug all additional disks, except system disk(s), until first OS installation is completed.

    • Prepare Ubuntu Server Setup USB flash disk

      • Download Ubuntu Server iso file from using Manual server installation
      • Generate usb boot disk from iso file (Use balenaEtcher software in MacOS)
    • Plug USB flash disk with .iso installation into the machine

    • Login to IPMI

    • Start a remote console: In Remote Control -> iKVM/HTML5 start a remote console

    • Open virtual keyboard: If necessary, open a virtual keyboard pressing the button down left

    • Start the machine: Execute Power Control -> Set Power On to start the machine

    • Enter in Boot Menu: Press <F11> to invoke Boot Menu when prompted

    • Select Flash disk boot device and boot the machine

      Boot Menu
      Boot Menu

    • Follow the procedure in Utilites section Ubuntu 24.04 server setup to perform a clean installation of Ubuntu server 24.04.

    Install kvm hosts

    • Clone your cSkyLab installation repository in your local machine if you haven't done it before.
    • Open terminal window in kvm-main or kvm-aux folder, depending on what machine you're configuring.
    • Connect only the following NIC's
      • IPMI
      • SETUP

    NOTE: Connect IPMI & SETUP network ports. To perform kvm initial configuration you must connect only these network ports.


    Supermicro network ports assignment:

    1010Gb SPFbond_cskyeno8
    1110Gb SPFbond_cskyeno7
    • Boot the machine
    • Get the IP Address assigned by your DHCP (You can get it by connecting to machine console through IPMI, or looking at your DHCP server leases).

    NOTE: kvm machines must be accessed by IP address when connecting from setup network. You must use always the option -r IPaddress in configuration scripts.

    Inject SSH keys and sudoers file

    • Inject SSH keys and sudoers files by executing:
    # Run in [ssh-sudoers] execution mode
    ./ -k -r IPaddress

    This step injects ssh key and sudoers file into the machine.

    If ssh key has not been injected before, you must provide the password for username {{ .machine.localadminusername }}@{{ .machine.hostname }} twice:

    • First one to install ssh key (ssh-copy-id).
    • Second one to deploy the sudoers file.

    Install packages, updates and perform configuration tasks

    This step performs:

    • Package installation
    • Updates
    • Configuration files deployment
    • Configuration tasks

    It is required to run at least once in order to complete proper configuration. Automatic reboot is performed when finished.

    To perform installation, execute from your machine repository directory:

    # Run to inject & deploy configuration in [install] deploy mode
    ./ -qdm install -r IPaddress

    Inject kvm hosts ssh keys into each other

    From every kvm host, inject ssh keys to allow scp operations:

    # Connect to the machine
    ./ -r IPaddress
    # From kvm-main & kvm-aux
    sudo ssh-copy-id kos@IPaddress

    Configure storage & data protection

    Create volgroup

    To create Volgroup to support LVM data services, execute inside the host the following command:

    # Connect to the machine
    ./ -r IPAddress
    # Create volgroup and thin LVM in Data Disk (/dev/sdb)
    sudo -m create -qd "/dev/sdb" -v "vgdata"

    Create LVM data services

    Four thin LVM data services are created with the following purposes:

    Data ServicePurpose
    /srv/setupCloud images, .iso files and other setup resources exported from kvm-main to kvm-aux
    /srv/vm-mainResources of mirrored virtual machines, running on kvm-main and exported to kvm-aux (if present)
    /srv/vm-auxResources of mirrored virtual machines, running on kvm-aux (if present) and exported to kvm-main
    /srv/vmachinesLocal virtual machine resources not exported

    NOTE: Resources of mirrored virtual machines will be regulary copied to its mirror host, accordingly to the schedule programmed on cs-cron-scripts.

    To create the corresponding LVM data services, execute inside the host the following commands:

    # Connect to the machine
    ./ -r IPAddress
    # Create data services
    sudo -m create -qd "/srv/setup" \
    && sudo -m create -qd "/srv/vm-aux" \
    && sudo -m create -qd "/srv/vm-main" \
    && sudo -m create -qd "/srv/vmachines"

    Download cloud-init img files

    Before creating virtual machines it is required to have Ubuntu 24.04 server & OPNsense cloud-init image files in setup directories of both kvm-main and kvm-aux servers.

    Note: Cloud-init image files are provided for Ubuntu server. You can generate your own cloud image file for OPNSense following the procedure "Create cloud image from .iso file" provided in opn-main & opn-aux machines documentation. An OPNSense cloud image file from cSkyLab is also provided in this procedure to accelerate virtual machine deployment.

    To download cloud-init files use the following procedure in each server:

    • Connect to kvm server:
    # Connect to the machine
    ./ -r IPAddress
    - Execute this command inside each kvm host:
    # Download cloud-init images
    echo && echo "******** SOE - START of execution ********" && echo \
    && cd "/srv/setup" \
    && curl --remote-name \
    && export MC_HOST_minio="" \
    && mc cp -r minio/cloud-init/opn-tpl-sysdisk.qcow2 ./ \
    && echo && echo "******** EOE - END of execution ********" && echo

    Backup & data protection

    Pre-configured cron jobs for rsync and restic backups are available in files tpl-kvm-main-cs-cron_scripts and tpl-kvm-aux-cs-cron_scripts. You can review and modify time schedules as needed.

    When kvm-main & kvm-aux machines are present, rsync cronjobs are used to achieve service HA for machines running in mirrored pools in the following way:

    Running modeData serviceDefined inReplicated to
    Normal mode: [kvm-main + kvm-aux]
    [kvm-main standalone]
    /srv/vm-mainkvm-mainkvm-aux (when present)
    /srv/vm-auxkvm-mainkvm-aux (when present)
    [kvm-aux standalone]
    /srv/vm-mainkvm-auxkvm-main (when present)
    /srv/vm-auxkvm-auxkvm-main (when present)

    To activate backup & data protection:

    • In kvm-main configuration repository directory (cs-sys/kvm-main) rename file tpl-kvm-main-cs-cron_scripts to cs-cron_scripts
    • In kvm-aux configuration repository directory (cs-sys/kvm-aux) rename file tpl-kvm-aux-cs-cron_scripts to cs-cron_scripts
    • Inject & deploy configuration to both machines executing:
    # Inject & deploy configuration files
    ./ -qd -r IPAddress

    Network configuration

    • Review NetPlan configuration file 01-netcfg.yaml.

    This step deploys cSkyLab virtual network configuration. Cloud-init configuration will be disabled from the next start.

    Reboot is automatically performed when finished.

    • Execute machine network configuration by running:
    # Run to inject & deploy configuration in [net-config] deploy mode
    ./ -qdm net-config -r IPaddress

    After network configuration, the default gateway will be statically assigned to sys internal network. To keep contact with the kvm machine, you must be connected to the same SETUP network without any router in the middle.

    • To get the IP Address assigned by your DHCP, check leases in your router or connect to console through IPMI and execute networkctl status --all. The new address in setup network will be assigned to interface br_setup.

    NOTE: If you loose network connection to your kvm machine, your must login via console and use the previous NetPlan yaml configuration file in directory /etc/netplan.

    Configure bridges and storage pools

    Create virtual bridges

    Review file brvlan_list.txt with virtual bridges list and inject configuration into the machine:

    # Inject and deploy machine configuration files
    ./ -qd -r IPaddress

    Connect inside the machine:

    # Connect to the machine
    ./ -r IPaddress
    To **create** virtual briges, execute inside the machine the following command:
    # Apply virtual bridges:
    sudo -m set-bridges

    Create virtual storage pools

    Review file dirpool_list.txt with virtual storage pools and inject configuration into the machine:

    # Inject and deploy machine configuration files
    ./ -qd -r IPaddress

    Connect inside the machine:

    # Connect to the machine
    ./ -r IPaddress
    To **create** virtual storage pools, execute inside the host the following command:
    # Apply storage pools:
    sudo -m set-stpools

    Create virtual machines

    cSkyLab virtual machines are distributed and pre-configured in the following way:


    Virtual MachineData serviceReplicated toDefault CPUDefault RAMDefault Data Disk
    k8s-mod-n1/srv/vmachines432768256 GB
    k8s-mod-n3/srv/vmachines432768256 GB
    k8s-pro-n1/srv/vmachines432768256 GB
    k8s-pro-n3/srv/vmachines432768256 GB


    Virtual MachineData serviceReplicated toDefault CPUDefault RAMDefault Data Disk
    k8s-mod-n2/srv/vmachines432768256 GB
    k8s-mod-n4/srv/vmachines432768256 GB
    k8s-pro-n2/srv/vmachines432768256 GB
    k8s-pro-n4/srv/vmachines432768256 GB

    To create virtual machines inside kvm-main & kvm-aux use the following procedure.

    Check virtual machines defaults (Optional)

    Each virtual machine has its own configuration directory files in both kvm-main & kvm-hosts.

    You can change CPU RAM & Data Disks default configurations if needed by editing files.

    Example: If you want to adjust configuration for virtual machine k8s-mod-n1:

    • Edit configuration file cs-sys/kvm-main/k8s-mod-n1/
    # ...
    # ...
    # ...
    virt-install --name "${vmachine_name}" \
    --virt-type kvm --memory 32768 --vcpus 4 \
    --boot hd,cdrom,menu=on --autostart \
    --disk path="${vmachines_path}/${vmachine_name}-setup.iso",device=cdrom \
    --disk path="${vmachines_path}/${vmachine_name}-sysdisk.qcow2",device=disk \
    --disk path="${vmachines_path}/${vmachine_name}-datadisk.qcow2",device=disk,size=256 \
    --os-variant ubuntu24.04 \
    --network network=br_mod_srv \
    --console pty,target_type=serial \
    • You can change values for:
      • --memory 32768 (RAM)
      • --vcpus 4 (CPU's)
      • size=256 (Data Disk)

    Create virtual machines in kvm-main

    Execute this command from inside kvm-main to create virtual machines:

    # Create kvm-main virtual machines
    echo && echo "******** SOE - START of execution ********" && echo \
    && sudo -qm vm-create -n opn-main -i /srv/setup/opn-tpl-sysdisk.qcow2 -s NONE -p /srv/vm-main \
    && sudo -qm vm-create -n k8s-mod-master -i /srv/setup/noble-server-cloudimg-amd64.img -s 80G -p /srv/vm-main \
    && sudo -qm vm-create -n k8s-mod-n1 -i /srv/setup/noble-server-cloudimg-amd64.img -s 80G -p /srv/vmachines \
    && sudo -qm vm-create -n k8s-mod-n3 -i /srv/setup/noble-server-cloudimg-amd64.img -s 80G -p /srv/vmachines \
    && sudo -qm vm-create -n k8s-pro-master -i /srv/setup/noble-server-cloudimg-amd64.img -s 80G -p /srv/vm-main \
    && sudo -qm vm-create -n k8s-pro-n1 -i /srv/setup/noble-server-cloudimg-amd64.img -s 80G -p /srv/vmachines \
    && sudo -qm vm-create -n k8s-pro-n3 -i /srv/setup/noble-server-cloudimg-amd64.img -s 80G -p /srv/vmachines \
    && echo && echo "******** EOE - END of execution ********" && echo

    Note: Before continuing, look in your DHCP leases in your router and take note of the IPAddress assigned to OPNsense. This is the machine to be configured as opn-main in OPNsense cluster.

    • Connect via browser to opn-main with the IPAddress assigned and login with:
      • Username: root
      • Password: NoFear21
    • Go to System -> Configuration -> Backups
    • Click Choose file & select file cs-sys/opn-cluster/config-opn-main.genesis-xxxxx.xml to restore opn-main configuration from XML file.
    • Click Restore configuration to restore configuration from XML file.

    Execute this command from inside kvm-aux to create virtual machines:

    # Create kvm-aux virtual machines
    echo && echo "******** SOE - START of execution ********" && echo \
    && sudo -qm vm-create -n opn-aux -i /srv/setup/opn-tpl-sysdisk.qcow2 -s NONE -p /srv/vm-aux \
    && sudo -qm vm-create -n mcc -i /srv/setup/noble-server-cloudimg-amd64.img -s 80G -p /srv/vm-aux \
    && sudo -qm vm-create -n k8s-mod-n2 -i /srv/setup/noble-server-cloudimg-amd64.img -s 80G -p /srv/vmachines \
    && sudo -qm vm-create -n k8s-mod-n4 -i /srv/setup/noble-server-cloudimg-amd64.img -s 80G -p /srv/vmachines \
    && sudo -qm vm-create -n k8s-pro-n2 -i /srv/setup/noble-server-cloudimg-amd64.img -s 80G -p /srv/vmachines \
    && sudo -qm vm-create -n k8s-pro-n4 -i /srv/setup/noble-server-cloudimg-amd64.img -s 80G -p /srv/vmachines \
    && echo && echo "******** EOE - END of execution ********" && echo

    Note: Before continuing, look in your DHCP leases in your router and take note of the IPAddress assigned to OPNsense. This is the machine to be configured as opn-aux in OPNsense cluster.

    • Connect via browser to opn-aux with the IPAddress assigned and login with:
      • Username: root
      • Password: NoFear21
    • Go to System -> Configuration -> Backups
    • Click Choose file & select file cs-sys/opn-cluster/config-opn-aux.genesis-xxxxx.xml to restore opn-aux configuration from XML file.
    • Click Restore configuration to restore configuration from XML file.


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    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.