Template version:v24-12-11
Helm charts: oauth2-proxy/oauth2-proxy v7.8.1
This namespace is intended to deploy an example of oauth2-proxy deployment, protecting a simple Hello World application for modeling purposes.
To run this namespace, you must deploy before k8s-keycloakx to configure the example backend authentication client.
Template override parameters
File _values-tpl.yaml
contains template configuration parameters and their default values:
## _values-tpl.yaml## cskygen template default values file#_tplname: k8s-hello-oauth2_tpldescription: Kubernetes oauth2-proxy example app_tplversion: 24-12-11## Values to override### k8s cluster credentials kubeconfig filekubeconfig: config-k8s-modnamespace:## k8s namespace namename: hello-oauth2## Service domain namedomain: cskylab.netpublishing:## External urlurl: hello-oauth2.mod.cskylab.netcertificate:## Cert-manager clusterissuerclusterissuer: ca-test-internalregistry:## Proxy Repository for Dockerproxy: harbor.cskylab.net/dockerhub
- Complete procedures in prerequisites section.
# Install./csdeploy.sh -m install# Check status./csdeploy.sh -l
- Published at:
{{ .publishing.url }}
- Administrative access to Kubernetes cluster.
- Helm v3.
- k8s-keycloakx namespace deployed
Note: For OpenID authentication, Keycloack issuer URL must be published with a public trusted certificate (e.g., lets-encrypt).
Keycloak OpenID Connection to OAuth2 Proxy
This procedure creates an OpenID client for OAuth2-Proxy in Keycloak. You can find documentation in: https://www.talkingquickly.co.uk/webapp-authentication-keycloak-OAuth2-proxy-nginx-ingress-kubernetes
Create an OpenID Client in Keycloak
Log in to Keycloak with a realm administrator.
Select the appropriate realm or create a new one (e.g., test-realm).
Go to Clients page and Create a new client with the following settings:
- Client type: OpenID Connect
- Client ID: {{ .namespace.name }}
- Go to Next page
- Client authentication: On (Confidential access type)
- Save settings
- Valid redirect URLs: https://oauth.{{ .publishing.url }}/oauth2/callback
- Save settings
- Go to Credentials tab
- Copy Client secret for later configuration.
- Go to Client scopes tab
- Select {{ .namespace.name }}-dedicated scope
- In Mappers tab, select Configure a new mapper
- Select Group Membership
- Name: Groups
- Token Claim Name: groups
- All other options "On"
- Save settings
Create a group and a test user in keycloak
Go to Groups page and Create group with the following settings:
- Name: {{ .namespace.name }}
Go to Users page and Create new user with the following settings:
- Email: User's email
- Email verified: On
- First name: User's first name
- Last name: User's last name
- Join Groups: Select {{ .namespace.name }} group
- Go to Credentials tab
- Set password
Check realm OpenID endpoint configuration
Go to Realm settings page and select General tab
- Endpoints: Select OpenID Endpoint Configuration
- Copy "issuer" URL for later configuration.
Configure OIDC Client in oauth2-proxy
Edit file values-oauth2-proxy.yaml
- clientSecret: Set client secret from keycloak configuration
- cookieSecret: Generate new cookie secret executing the following command at your terminal:
# Create a new secret with the following commandopenssl rand -base64 32 | head -c 32 | base64
- oidc_issuer_url: Set issuer URL from keycloak realm OpenID Endpoint Configuration.
- Verify all configuration values
- Save file.
Configure application ingress for oauth2-proxy
Edit file mod-hello-oauth2.yaml
- Verify ingress annotations for oauth2-proxy configuration values
- Save file.
How-to guides
To Create namespace:
# Create namespace, secrets, config-maps, PV's, apply manifests and install charts../csdeploy.sh -m install
Reapply module manifests by running:
# Reapply manifests./csdeploy.sh -m update
To delete module manifests and namespace run:
# Delete manifests, and namespace./csdeploy.sh -m uninstall
This option is intended to be used only to remove the namespace when uninstall is failed. Otherwise, you must run ./csdeploy.sh -m uninstall
To remove namespace and all its contents run:
# Remove namespace and all its contents./csdeploy.sh -m remove
Display status
To display namespace status run:
# Display namespace, status:./csdeploy.sh -l
Update Welcome Message
You can change the welcome message by editing and changing the manifest file mod-hello-oauth2.yaml
Application modules
Module | Description |
mod-hello-oauth2.yaml | hello-kubernetes manifests |
Helm charts and values
Chart | Values |
oauth2-proxy/oauth2-proxy | values-oauth2-proxy.yaml |
Purpose:Kubernetes Hello World app.Usage:sudo csdeploy.sh [-l] [-m <execution_mode>] [-h] [-q]Execution modes:-l [list-status] - List current status.-m <execution_mode> - Valid modes are:[pull-charts] - Pull charts to './charts/' directory.[install] - Create namespace, secrets, config-maps, PV's,apply manifests and install charts.[update] - Reapply manifests and update or upgrade charts.[uninstall] - Uninstall charts, delete manifests, remove PV's and namespace.[remove] - Remove PV's, namespace and all its contents.Options and arguments:-h Help-q Quiet (Nonstop) execution.Examples:# Pull charts to './charts/' directory./csdeploy.sh -m pull-charts# Create namespace, secrets, config-maps, PV's, apply manifests and install charts../csdeploy.sh -m install# Reapply manifests and update or upgrade charts../csdeploy.sh -m update# Uninstall charts, delete manifests, remove PV's and namespace../csdeploy.sh -m uninstall# Remove PV's, namespace and all its contents./csdeploy.sh -m remove# Display namespace, persistence and charts status:./csdeploy.sh -l
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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.