

    mcc (Management host)


    This template configures a management host (mcc: Mission Control Center) on Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS.

    It is intended to host VS Code Remote Server and to be accessed with VS Code Remote via ssh.

    Template override parameters

    File _values-tpl.yaml contains template configuration parameters and their default values:

    # _values-tpl.yaml
    # cskygen template default values file
    _tplname: ubt2204srv-mcc
    _tpldescription: Ubuntu server 22.04 Mission Control Center
    _tplversion: 24-04-20
    # Values to override
    # Kubernetes version for kubectl
    k8s_version: "1.29.3-1.1"
    # Go version
    go_version: "go1.22.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz"
    ## Machine related configuration values
    hostname: ubt2204srv-mcc
    localadminusername: kos
    localadminpassword: "NoFear21"
    timezone: "UTC"
    networkinterface: enp1s0
    netmask: 24
    ## Setup directory where configuration files will be injected
    setupdir: "/etc/csky-setup"
    systemlocale: "C.UTF-8"
    systemkeyboard: "us"


    • Physical or virtual machine up and running, with a clean installation of Ubuntu server 22.04.

    • Package openssh-server must be installed to allow remote ssh connections.

    How-to guides

    Inject & Deploy configuration

    To install and configure the machine, open a terminal from the machine configuration directory in the management repository, and perform the following configuration steps:

    1. SSH Authentication and sudoers file

    # Run in [ssh-sudoers] execution mode
    ./ -k

    NOTE: If IP address has not been previously set in cloud-init or net-config, use -r IPaddress until network configuration files are deployed.

    This step injects ssh key and sudoers file into the machine.

    Required before other configuration options. Its purpose is to allow automated and passwordless logins by using ssh protocol.

    If ssh key has not been injected before, you must provide the password for username {{ .machine.localadminusername }}@{{ .machine.hostname }} twice:

    • First one to install ssh key (ssh-copy-id).
    • Second one to deploy the sudoers file.

    2. Network configuration

    # Run to inject & deploy configuration in [net-config] deploy mode
    ./ -d -m net-config

    NOTE: If IP address has not been previously set in cloud-init or net-config, use -r IPaddress until network configuration files are deployed.

    This step deploys network configuration files that allow the machine to operate with specific IP address and hostname. Cloud-init configuration will be disabled from the next start.

    Reboot is recommended when finished.

    3. Install packages, updates and configuration tasks

    # Run to inject & deploy configuration in [install] deploy mode
    ./ -d -m install

    This step performs:

    • Package installation
    • Updates
    • Configuration files deployment
    • Configuration tasks

    Required to run at least once in order to complete proper configuration. Reboot is recommended when finished.

    4. Configuration tasks

    # Run to inject & deploy configuration in [config] deploy mode (default)
    ./ -d

    When configuration needs to be changed, this mode redeploys all configuration files into the machine, executing again all configuration tasks.

    5. Connect and operate

    # Run to establish a ssh session with sudoer (admin) user

    To run scripts and operate from inside the machine, establish an ssh connection with administrator (sudoer) user name {{ .machine.localadminusername }}@{{ .machine.hostname }}.


    Passwords and secrets

    Generate passwords and secrets with:

    # Screen
    echo $(head -c 512 /dev/urandom | LC_ALL=C tr -cd 'a-zA-Z0-9' | head -c 16)
    # File (without newline)
    printf $(head -c 512 /dev/urandom | LC_ALL=C tr -cd 'a-zA-Z0-9' | head -c 16) > RESTIC-PASS.txt

    Change the parameter head -c 16 according with the desired length of the secret.




    Machine installation and configuration deployment.
    This script is usually called by when executing Inject & Deploy
    operations. Exceptionally, it can also be run manually from inside the machine.
    sudo [-m <execution_mode>] [-h] [-q]
    Execution modes:
    -m <execution_mode> - Valid modes are:
    [net-config] - Network configuration. (Reboot when finished).
    [install] - Package installation, updates and configuration tasks (Reboot when finished).
    [config] - Redeploy config files and perform configuration tasks (Default mode).
    Options and arguments:
    -h Help
    -q Quiet (Nonstop) execution.
    # Deploy configuration in [net-config] mode:
    sudo -m net-config
    # Deploy configuration in [install] mode:
    sudo -m install
    # Deploy configuration in [config] mode:
    sudo -m config

    Tasks performed:

    ${execution_mode}TasksBlock / Description
    [net-config]Network configuration
    Deploy /etc/hostnameConfiguration file hostname must exist in setup directory.
    Deploy /etc/hostsConfiguration file hosts must exist in setup directory.
    Deploy /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yamlConfiguration file 01-netcfg.yaml must exist in setup directory.
    Disable cloud-initFlag that signals that cloud-init should not run.
    Change systemd-resolvedChange configuration of file /etc/resolv.conf.
    Try Netplan configurationExecute netplan try to test new network configuration.
    RebootReboot with confirmation message.
    [install]Install and update packages
    Update installed packagesUpdate package repositories, perform dist-upgrade and autoremove
    Generate localesDeploy file locale.gen if present in setup directory and execute locale-gen.
    Install chrony time syncChrony time synchronization (
    Install docker-ceInstall docker-ce from docker repository
    Install shfmtInstall shell formatter shfmt via snap
    Install jq JSON processorInstall jq command-line JSON processor
    Install goInstall golang from download
    Install direnvInstall direnv shell extension from project installation script
    Install kubectlInstall kubectl according to version in ${k8s_version} variable
    Install helmInstall helm via snap
    Install treeInstall tree directory
    Install resticInstall restic via snap
    Install MinIO ClientInstall MinIO client via wget
    Install shellcheckInstall shellcheck via snap
    Install kustomizeInstall kustomize via snap
    [install][config]Deploy config files and execute configuration tasks
    Set timezoneSet time zone from time_zone variable.
    Set localeSet locale from system_locale variable.
    Set keyboardSet keyboard layout from system_keyboard variable.
    Deploy sudoers fileDeploy sudoers configuration file domadminsudo (Must be present in setup directory).
    Git profile configurationDeploy git configuration file gitconfig (Must be present in setup directory).
    UFW firewall configurationUFW enabled with ssh allowed.
    Change local passwordsIf file kos-passis present in setup directory. (Template tpl-kos-pass provided).
    Deploy ssh authorized_keysIf file authorized_keysis present in setup directory. (Template tpl-authorized_keys provided).
    Deploy ssh id_rsa keysIf files id_rsa and are present in setup directory. (Templates tpl-id_rsa* provided).
    Generate id_rsaIf doesn't exist for root and sudoer user.
    Deploy ca-certificatesIf files with name pattern ca-*.crt are present.
    Deploy machine certificateIf files with name pattern hostname.crt and hostname.keyare present.
    Deploy crontab filesIf files with name pattern cron-cs-* are present in setup directory.
    [install]Reboot after install
    RebootReboot with confirmation message.


    Note: This script runs from the "DevOps Computer", opening a terminal from the machine configuration directory in the management repository,.

    Inject & Deploy configuration files into remote machine.
    This script runs from the management (DevOps) computer, copying all configuration
    files to the remote machine, and calling the script '' to run from
    inside the remote machine if 'deploy' mode [-d] is selected.
    ./ [-k] [-i] [-d] [-m <deploy_mode>] [-u <sudo_username>] [-r <remote_machine>] [-h] [-q]
    Execution modes:
    -k [ssh-sudoers] - install ssh key and sudoers file into the machine. Required before other actions.
    -i [inject] - Inject only. Inject configuration files into the machine for manual deployment.
    -d [deploy] - Inject & Deploy configuration. Calls '' to run from inside the machine.
    Options and arguments:
    -m <deploy_mode> - Deploy mode passed to ''. Valid modes are:
    [net-config] - Network configuration. (Reboot when finished).
    [install] - Package installation, updates and configuration tasks (Reboot when finished).
    [config] - Redeploy config files and perform configuration tasks (Default mode).
    -u <sudo_username> - Remote administrator (sudoer) user name (Default value).
    -r <remote_machine> - Machine hostname or IPAddress (Default value).
    -h Help
    -q Quiet (Nonstop) execution.
    # Copy ssh key and sudoers file into the machine:
    ./ -k
    # Inject & Deploy configuration in [net-config] mode:
    ./ -dm net-config
    # Inject & Deploy configuration in [install] mode:
    ./ -dm install
    # Inject & Deploy configuration in [config] mode (default):
    ./ -d

    Tasks performed:

    ${execution_mode}TasksBlock / Description
    [ssh-sudoers]Inject ssh key and sudoers file
    Perform ssh-copy-idInsert your public key to be authorized in ssh authentication.
    Deploy sudoers fileDeploy sudoers configuration file domadminsudo (Must be present in setup directory).
    [inject][deploy]Copy config files and deploy scripts
    Prepare setup directory in remote machineRemove setup directory if exist and create empty new one with permissions.
    Inject configuration filesSCP configuration files from configuration management into machine setup directory.
    Deploy scripts to /usr/local/sbinDelete old cs-*.sh scripts inside /usr/local/sbin and copy new ones from setup directory.
    [deploy]Run cs-deploy from inside the machine
    Execute inside the machineRun script inside the machine in mode specified by deploy-mode variable`.


    Note: This script runs from the "DevOps Computer", opening a terminal from the machine configuration directory in the management repository,.

    SSH remote connection.
    Use this script to remote login into the machine and establish a ssh session.
    Usage: [-u <sudo_username>] [-r <remote_machine>] [-h]
    Options and arguments:
    -u <sudo_username> - Remote user name (Default value).
    -r <remote_machine> - Machine hostname or IPAddress (Default value).
    -h Help
    # Connect to the machine with default values
    # Connect to IPAddress with specific user
    ./ -u sudo_username -r

    Tasks performed:

    Perform ssh connectionPasswordless ssh connection with timeout.


    Sequential block script model.
    Use this script as a model or skeleton to write other configuration scripts.
    sudo [-l] [-m <execution_mode>] [-n <name>] [-h] [-q]
    Execution modes:
    -l [list-status] - List current status.
    -m <execution_mode> - Valid modes are:
    [install] - Install.
    [remove] - Remove.
    [update] - Update and reconfigure.
    Options and arguments:
    -n <name> - Name of the person to report status.
    (Optional in list-status. Default value)
    -h Help
    -q Quiet (Nonstop) execution.
    # Mode "install":
    sudo -m install
    # Mode "remove":
    sudo -m remove
    # Mode "list-status":
    sudo -l
    # Mode "list-status" with special name to report:
    sudo -l -n Bond

    Tasks performed:

    ${execution_mode}TasksBlock / Description
    [install]Install apps and services
    Task 1Task 1 description as commented in code.
    Task 2Task 2 description as commented in code.
    Task nTask n description as commented in code.
    [remove]Remove apps and services
    Task 1Task 1 description as commented in code.
    Task 2Task 2 description as commented in code.
    Task nTask n description as commented in code.
    [update][install]Update and reconfigure apps and services
    Task 1Task 1 description as commented in code.
    Task 2Task 2 description as commented in code.
    Task nTask n description as commented in code.
    [list-status][install] [update][remove]Display status information
    Display hostname and variablesShow hostame and content of variables used in the script
    Display report messageDisplay report message with "some surprise"


    Copyright © 2021 ™

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.