cSkyLab Documentation
Virtual data center in-a-box
cSkyLab is a virtual data center model that allows fast application deployment and gives you the choice to scale up your services in any combination of private, public or hybrid cloud.
cSkyLab bootstraps a modern DevOps environment to develop and serve cloud-native and legacy applications in Kubernetes and virtual-machine environments.
It implements a thin layer of bash scripts, templates and procedures that allows you to leverage all the power and versatility of native cloud tools.
Out-of-the-box Applications
cSkyLab is designed to deploy your own applications and services.
To help you to start fast, it bundles "out of the box" many popular open source technologies up and running, ready to be used in your own projects:
- KVM Mirrored virtual machine infrastructure
- OpnSense Firewall, networking infrastructure and security
- Kubernetes Separated k8s clusters for modeling (staging) and production
- MetalLB Bare Metal LoadBalancing
- Cert-manager Certificate management
- NGINX Ingress Reverse proxy
- Harbor Private registry
- Keycloak Identity management
- GitLab Private DevOps platform
- Nextcloud Colaboration and file sharing
- MinIO S3 compatible storage
- IOTStudio: IOT service environment with Mosquitto, Node-red, InfluxDB and Grafana.
- IOTEdge: IOT Edge service environment with Mosquitto, Node-red, & oauth2-proxy authentication.
- hello-oauth2: Example of oauth2-proxy deployment protecting a simple Hello World application for modeling purposes.
- Mailu Mailu mail system on kubernetes.
And many more to come...
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